Katadyn MyBottle is a convenient alternative to pump-style filters. No hassle over unpacking, assembling, pumping and separate containers; you just scoop or fill up the water with your bottle. the 3 component ViruStat® water purification cartridge attached to the cap inside, removes over 99.9% of waterborne cysts and protozoa like Giardia and Cryptosporidium. It also kills over 99.99% of waterborne viruses and 99.999% of bacteria, as deteremined under the U.S. EPA microbial water purification protocol. Treats 26 gallons (100 liters) per replacement cartridge. EPA registered
The Katadyn MyBottle virus filter is based on a multistage filter system. The first stage is an integrated 0.3 micronpreliminary glass fiber filter which removes bacteria and protozoa such as giardia and cryptosporidium as well as all particles larger than 0.3 micron.
The second stage is the new ViruPur 3-layer filter medium which adsorbs viruses and minute particles on the basisof electrokinetic in-depth filtration. This is possible due to the differences in the electric charges of the materials.Whereas the aluminum-coated glass fibers of the ViruPur filter have a very high positive electrical charge, thatof viruses, bacteria, cysts, and other particles is lower or negative. These differently charged electric fields exertforces of attraction causing contaminants to be retained on the ViruPur filter and to build up on its surface.
Finally, the water flows through an activated carbon filter which reduces organic contaminants as well asunpleasant odors and taste.